Waterwork for all breeds

During the organisation and execution of the water work of the Portuguese Water Dogs, the specificity of this work in the water is revealed to us: it is simple, practising swimming, retrieving and diving, then increasing the skill in the higher levels: working from the boat and retrieving an object from the land.

This simplicity allows the dog owner to do this water work with their dog at any time without having to do a lot of organisation beforehand. In other words, it is a work that can easily be integrated into everyday life. Simplicity also means giving freedom. Something that the Portuguese Water Dog particularly likes, but also other dogs and owners.

Not only Portuguese Water Dog owners are interested in this work, but also dog owners of other breeds. This moved OCEANUS to offer the workshops and water meetings for all dog breeds.

Holding the workshops with all breeds from 2018 was and is rewarding and joyful. It shows the specificity within a breed and in their execution of the work. This reflects a centuries old breeding success and allows one to see the incomparability of breeds. It leads any good observer away from comparing and towards recognising. Instead of measuring each other, it leads us towards observing in wonder.

In 2023 we finally offer a water military: Wasserspiele!