The origin of OCEANUS

Oceanus International Water Work FOR Dogs was founded in 2017 and recognised as a club by the SKG in August 2018.

The reason to found a club was to offer the Water Work Trials for Portuguese Water Dogs in Switzerland. As a recognized club the trials could be held for the first time in autumn 2018.

OCEANUS is an international association based in Switzerland.

The goals of OCEANUS

While organizing and carrying out the water work of the Portuguese Water Dogs, the special nature of this work in the water becomes apparent to us: it is done simply by practising swimming, retrieving and diving.

This simplicity allows the dog owner to carry out this water work with his dog at any time, without the need for large organizations. So its a work that can be easily integrated into everyday life.

Water work for all breeds

It turned out that not only Portuguese water dog owners are interested in this work, but also dog owners of many breeds. This moved OCEANUS to offer the workshops for all dog breeds.

To conduct the workshops with all breeds is rewarding and joyful: the specificity within a breed is shown in the execution of the work. This reflects centuries of breeding success, and also lets us see the incomparability. It leads from comparing, or measuring each other, to amazed observation and sometimes to hearty, benevolent laughter.

Water Work Trials for Portuguese Water Dogs

However, the trails are reserved for Portuguese Water Dogs. This is stated in the regulations of the Water Trails. It is therefore one of the few remaining breed-specific examinations. These trails have their origin in the lack of work for the dogs on the boats and are used for breeding selection.

This is probably also the reason for this simplicity, because it is based on the ability, respectively the innate abilities of the Portuguese Water Dogs.

⇒ Find out more about the topic “One Breed – One Work” here

Link: Goals of OCEANUS reglement, art.2 (text is in german)